This Editing Blog Post will be done with a recent picture from Amy’s Maternity Session. This specific photo I made for the Totally Rad Photoshop Actions and Plugins website to show the power of using their actions correctly (combining them, making adjustments, etc.)…all actions were added AFTER the original edit of clearing up distractions in the photos, whitening the eyes, etc. All actions and recipes are below the photo…enjoy!
Color Edit:
Claire-ify 100%
Lights On 100%
Add Fill Light
Boutwell Magic Glasses 100%
Highlight Separator 50%
Select-O-Sharp 100% on Eyes
Select-O-Pop 50% on Eyes
Pool Party 10%
Claire-ify 30%
Crush 100%
Punch-Out! 20%
Black & White:
All of the above then add Detroit with these edits:
Toning 80%
Hi Pinch Contrast 70%
Highlight Pinch 50%
All of the color edit plus:
Sparta 60%
Flare-Up Golden 50%