portrait site







Katherine Salvatori



Katherine Salvatori

wedding photography blog

I woke up to some GREAT news today from Style Me Pretty Illinois today: Michele and Joseph’s wedding had been published on their blog :) I absolutely LOVE their blog, so I was super excited that they had accepted and published this wedding (especially because it was such an amazing wedding…just look at all of […]

So today I am starting something new on this blog, and that is updating the layouts/formats to make it more visually appealing (and less like you’re viewing photo after photo after photo in a row getting sleepy-eyed…). To test this out I am re-blogging a wedding from last year (the lovely Marybeth and John)…please let […]

Here is another batch of images I had fun with today: {The original straight out of the camera} {edited into color} {fine art edit} {black and white edit} and all of them side by side!

I really enjoy the graphic design work that goes into editing photos (and while I’m moving away from an overly-edited look, it can still be fun to just play around with an image – which is what today is all about!) This is an image of Kellie, a wonderful bride (and person) from last summer. […]

2011 was a year of firsts. It was my first year going full time into wedding photography (which took a huge leap of faith to leave my other job last February); I married an amazing man who isĀ  a gift from God (and have enjoyed watching God completely restore and change my life over the […]